Equipping for Success: Lessons from Dubai Mall’s Opening

The Dubai Mall experience underscored a truth I’ve carried with me ever since: The tools we provide for our workers aren’t just equipment—they’re enablers of human potential. Whether it’s mechanizing cleaning operations to increase efficiency or simply providing safer, more humane working conditions, investing in the right resources is an investment in people.

“Look at How Lazy He Is”

In August 2008, I found myself on the ground at the Dubai Mall, where the temperature reached a staggering 113 degrees. It was my first day on-site, and my introduction to the project began with two tours that could have easily been interpreted as an intimidation tactic—a 6,000,000-square-foot roof and a 14,000-space parking structure. Looking back, I now see it as a prelude to the enormity of the task ahead.


As I walked through the parking structure, I encountered a scene that would leave a lasting impact on me. A lone custodian, dressed in a hard hat, coverall uniform, steel-toed boots, and a bandana to protect himself from the swirling dust, was slowly sweeping the construction debris with a broom. It was impossible not to imagine how unbearable the heat must have been for this young man. His pace was sluggish, but in the conditions he was working under it made perfect sense.

The client, walking alongside me, broke the silence. “Look how lazy he is,” he remarked, observing the custodian’s slow movements. That statement triggered something in me. I stopped and turned to the client. “He’s not lazy,” I said firmly. “He’s ill-equipped to do the job he’s been asked to do, and he knows it. If he pushes that broom any faster, he’ll be kicking up more dust and breathing it in.” I paused for a moment before continuing, “He’s got a knife in a gun fight. This is a job for a drivable street sweeper with an air-conditioned cab.”


What unfolded next was a turning point—not just for the project, but also for how I approached leadership and problem-solving. After presenting an ROI calculation to the client, explaining the efficiency and long-term savings that mechanization could bring, we received approval to order several pieces of Karcher equipment. These weren’t just tools—they were a lifeline for the workers, enabling them to perform their tasks in a more efficient, safe, and humane manner. The equipment arrived, and the workers were trained to use it properly, with a Karcher technician even stationed at the mall to ensure everything ran smoothly.

This wasn’t just about getting the job done; it was about changing the way we viewed labor and the tools we provide for the people who do it. Mechanization is often talked about in terms of cost savings and efficiency, but that story alone misses the point. It’s also about dignity. Giving that young custodian the right tools wasn’t just an operational decision; it was an acknowledgment of his worth. And that’s something too often overlooked.

The Dubai Mall was a project that tested every limit—of resources, of time, and of patience. The night before the grand opening, we faced an all-hands-on-deck situation, with everyone stepping in to help clean the common areas. One of the client’s corporate legal counsel even asked us to train him on how to operate an auto scrubber so he could pitch in. There he was, working alongside the rest of us as we pushed through the night to ensure the mall would be ready for the next day.

And ready we were. The mall opened its doors at 10:00 am on November 4, 2008, welcoming over 175,000 visitors on its very first day. It was a testament not only to the efforts of our team but also to the realization that sometimes, success comes from doing more than what’s expected—whether that means staying late, stepping outside your comfort zone, or advocating for the people who need better tools to do their jobs.


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